As a very good alternative to the pool area at Vitor´s Village, we can recommend the NoSoloÁgua Pool of Marina de Portimão. Here you can relax by the public pool, have a drink served by the pool, go to the beach, walk on the pier, or enjoy the good food in their restaurant.

Unlike Vitor´s Village, NoSoloÁgua is a public pool area. Still - calculate some costs by using this offer. Although it is public, it is not free.

Please see their website for more information about the place and what they can offer.:

Photo of NoSoloÁgua Portimão ©

In high season it is smart to be there by the opening hours. And call NoSoloÁgua for a reservation.:

How to get to NoSoloÁgua from Ferragudo?

An easy and relaxing way to get there is to use the taxi ferry from Ferragudo. It´s just across the river Arade, and then you´re there.

Walk 10 minutes to the taxi ferry on the quay in Ferragudo. The crossing takes about 10 minutes, depending on the route and number of passengers.

Telephone for taxi ferry: 927 272 784

Image: The route from your apartment to NoSoloÁgua. How to get there by a short walk and the Taxi Ferry.

Sunshine Rentals recommends this site based on the information we have at the time of writing, as well as from various sources. We are not responsible if the destination is closed for any reason, or if you do not gain access there. We are also not responsible for how the stay there is experienced by you, or your relationship with third parties while you are on site, or the quality of the service and products that the place offers. Thus, you can not give us a bad review if you think this place is different than your expectations. Without compensation in any form, we inform about this place to give you as a guest options to choose from while staying in Ferragudo. Many will like the place, some will not like it.